Tuesday, January 30, 2007


That's simply it, isn't it? That which helps me to know love and give love more freely and fully, I should be about. That which keeps me from knowing love and giving love more freely and fully, I should do less of or discard altogether.

God, free us so that we might be more available and loving to you and to people. That's my prayer as we leave this blog. That's the outcome of simplicity that I think we desire. Thank you for being a supportive community this month as we journey together. May we not see this as the end of a month but rather the beginning of a continued journey with God to work at reconciling the world through the love of Jesus.

Laura Hoy


Unknown said...

Well, it seems the end of the month is here...Yes, I've been touched by this recent "experiment". I've felt it in my heart, seen it as I've gone through my day to day, and heard about it through your words. Alice raised some great questions.

Is it any easier?...I don't think so, right now. But I think it could be. It's my life choices I need to adjust right now and my attitude after I make that change.

What habits/actions will I carry through with me into the year and more if desired...i'm cutting down on our grocery list-changing meal plans, selling my clothes at 2nd Impressions (thanks Alice!), trying to not leave my house unless I have an already scheduled appointment/meeting or event, and grouping my errands together so to save on time and money. I'm looking to where I can make more adjustments too.

Some of the rewards I hope for in living a more simple life are...cutting our spending down to have more for resources for our church and ministries we're passionate about...possible less "paid working" time for me and more time to be "just a stay home mom"...spend more time at home, less out and about and stressed. those are some goals for now.

Yes, we'll work hard at this and probably fail from day to day...but setting myself some goals and knowing at the end of the day that I'm accounatble to our God helps me keep a little bit of my goal focused. I'm in the baby step phase...(Just picture "Bob" from "What about Bob"...now picture me holding the fish tank ever so carefully reciting..."baby steps, baby steps...I can do this...baby steps, baby steps.")

THANK YOU for helping me feel convicted, being honest about this in your lives, your encouragment, and your joy you share when you accomplish a little bit of simplicity in your life. Let's continue to love our world and the simple things God gives us daily...let's keep our focus simple and as we venture out...remember...baby steps, baby steps!

Unknown said...

P.S. I also forgot to tell you...I'm keeping ALL of our receipts for february...gas, kwik Star pop, groceries, gifts, entertainment, bills, library fines (%$#!), movie rentals, etc. I'm going to total it at the end of the month (gulp) and really take a look at where we can cut some spending with a good friends help. I don't think I would've done this without all of you inspiring me, so THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...

Here is the freecycle website-a way to get rid of clutter and personnally give to someone who can use an item, fix it, use it for parts, etc. Sometimes they may even have something you need for free. It is through email contacts until you give your phone ar address. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/waterloofreecycle/

Having worked with refugees and the poor, the St Vincint De Paul stores in Waterloo and Cedar Falls will often give to people in need (and check if they are credible). I like to give some of my good extras there because I think they promote responsible giving.
They also give or sell cheaply to us things for missions. They save medical things for us to ask if it is something we could use.

Having been on the simplicity adventure most of my life either because of necessity-because I was in the poverly ranks myself and/or wanting to give more, I find it varies how easy it is to live more simply and give more. It helps if I know that the money I save is being used responsibly. That makes it much easier to stay the course. I also realize God does not measure things by money-it is my heart committment that is the most important-I Cor. 13 says it all. Keeping my heart right is an ongoing battle. However there is never an excuse to squander. Doing a lot of shopping makes me spend more money, so I try to just stay away from that. It is so easy to think I need something when I see it is nice or pretty. It helps to be the type of person who is rather clueless about clothing styles, etc.
I think it is a conscious choice whether we live to save and give or live to spend.
Also, on a personal level, going back to having 2 wage earners in our family instead of just one part time earner with 3 in college gives me more money to be responsible for. The month of simplicity was a reminder of how I am spending more freely already now that we have more to spend.
One of our goals has always been to get out of debt-to owe no man anything other than to love one another. Getting out of dept has helped us make it on little in tight times and let us take options that would not be available if we had a lot of debt. I would encourage that. I try to sponsor a child for each of my children, a persecuted family for our family and give Christmas gifts to Jesus too.
I try to make sharing God's love the goal, not fighting poverty, aids, etc. I try to find out what someone really needs, not what I think the person needs. Personal relationships really help give insites into simplicity and giving. Often those in poverty have more of the important things that some of the rich do.
It takes work just to give wisely and give the gifts that help and don't hurt. That too has has been a leson I have learned. I learned giving can make someone dependent and demanding or lose self worth. The other person needs to be able to give too. There are sometimes unintended consequences of giving, so we have to think through those too.

Well, I must go.
This has been good for me. Thank you for the gift of putting it together and for all the wonderful thoughts you all shared. It makes me more committed to getting rid of things I don't need so I can be more ready to serve God, pray more, and hopefully laugh at times too.
Thank you.